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Mikki Koskinen elected as Vice-President of the European Community Shipowners’ Association


The General Assembly of the European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA) has elected ESL Shipping’s Managing Director Mikki Koskinen as Vice-President for 2024 and 2025. According to the established practice, the Vice-President is elected as President after the two-year term as Vice-President.

Mikki Koskinen is the first Finn in the leadership of ECSA, which acts as the voice of the European shipping industry, striving for a regulatory environment that fosters the international competitiveness of responsible European shipping.

”European shipping is at the forefront of responsible shipping. It is interesting to be the first Finn to lead the European umbrella organisation of shipping companies in an increasingly challenging operating environment,” says Koskinen.

The EU’s role in shipping regulation has increased significantly in recent years. The changed foreign and security policy situation emphasises the importance of shipping for EU and Finland in particular, as 96 per cent of our foreign trade is carried by sea”, Koskinen continues.

Mikki Koskinen has been the Managing Director of ESL Shipping since 2013 and the Chairman of the Board of the Finnish Shipowners’ Association in 2021-2023. Since 2016, Koskinen has represented the Finnish Shipowners’ Association on the International Chamber of Shipping board, the global trade association for shipowners and operators.

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