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APM Terminals Mumbai (GTI) had the honour hosted a delegation of Members of European Parliament (MEP)


APM Terminals Mumbai (GTI) hosted a delegation of Members of European Parliament (MEP) and their staff at the terminal on 20th December 2023. The MEP delegation is tasked with maintaining and deepening relations with the parliaments of non-EU countries, with regions, with organisations and serve as the European Parliament's primary link to other legislatures, in Europe and abroad. The distinguished group chaired by Mr. Morten Løkkegaard, comprised officials from over 10 European countries with expertise in fields such as human rights, sustainability, democracy, identity and reforms. 

The delegation was in India for a number of bilateral discussions with the representatives of the Government of India coordinated by the Counsel for Economic and Trade Affairs at the EU Delegation in Delhi. The delegation also wished to visit a few establishments to experience India’s growth story at the ground levels. APM Terminals was happy to showcase its terminal at Mumbai which is one of the busiest and most efficient container terminals in the country. The group was given a tour of operational areas and a brief presentation on how, through productivity, safety and sustainability milestones, APM Terminals Mumbai is a valuable contributor to the bilateral trade between India and Europe. 

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