Aramex teams up with Regent for Sustainable Cargo Logistics


Aramex joined forces with REGENT, a pioneering developer of electric seagliders, under a strategic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). 

Seagliders are a new mode of transportation that combines the speed of an aircraft with the convenience of a boat. Purpose-built to serve coastal and island communities, seagliders operate exclusively over the water and leverage existing dock infrastructure to carry people and cargo up to 290 km using today’s battery technology.

This partnership, facilitated by the Strategic Development Fund (SDF) as a strategic investor in REGENT, will see Aramex, known for setting the standard in express logistics, explore deployment opportunities in the Middle East initially, followed by other key markets to pave the way for a more sustainable future of logistics.

The companies will assess the feasibility of integrating Regent's high-speed seagliders into Aramex's existing logistics network.

They will identify potential middle-mile routes on which seagliders can transport cargo from ports to coastal distribution hubs while offering a cleaner and more efficient alternative to existing transport options.

Demand for green logistics is on the rise, with 75 per cent of shippers looking for environmentally friendly options when exporting goods to high-income countries, World Bank's Logistics Performance Index revealed in April.

Opting for environmentally sustainable logistics options can also lessen the carbon footprint of supply chains and keep trade flowing by shifting to less carbon-intensive freight and more energy-efficient warehousing, the Washington-based lender said.

Middle-mile logistics is a “large, untapped opportunity for sustainable innovation” and the partnership will “unlock new economic potential”, said Billy Thalheimer, co-founder and chief executive of Regent.

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